
As we hurtle through time on a space rock caught in our garden variety problems, there's a crisis looming. A forest on fire, a river run dry, a species teetering on the edge of extinction. We know this, you're thinking. Stop lecturing us you two-bit nobody. Okay. We'll get to the point. Are these children's stories for grownups going to change the world? Nope. Save a couple of India's most endangered species? Highly unlikely. But if they ever make you think about the dolphins when you're contemplating a cruise, or wonder about the shy red panda who'd much rather your hiking trail went elsewhere, or mull over why the tiger's forests have to keep shrinking to accommodate our growing demand for forks and spoons, then our work here is done. We hope these stories will remind you in some small way that this planet - this one little house, belongs to our wildlife. They just can't thrust land deeds in our faces and ask us to behave ourselves.



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